jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


Interviewer: Hello!!!

Augustus: Hello!!!

Interviewer: What´s your name?

Augustus: My name is Augustus.

Interviewer: What does your name mean?

Augustus: My name means chosen by gods.

Interviewer: Are you an important person in the Ancient Rome?

Augustus: Yes, of course!!!! I´m the first emperor of Rome.

Interviewer: How long have you ruled Rome?

Augustus: I have ruled Rome from the 
27 a. C. to the 14 d. C. My reign is one of the 
longest of the history.

Interviewer: What are your parent´s names?

Augustus: My father´s name is Cayo Octavio Turino and my mother´s name is Acia.

Interviewer: What is the date of your birth?

Augustus: The date of my birth is the 23 of September, 63 a. C.

Interviewer: Where do you born?

Augustus: I borned in Rome, Italy.

Interviewer: What is your predecessor?

Augustus: My predeccesor is Julio Caesar.

Interviewer: What is your succesor?

Augustus: My sucessor is Tiberio.

Interviewer: Who are your wifes?

Augustus: My wifes are Clodia Pulcra, Escribonia, Livia Drusila.

Interviewer: Have you got any sons?

Augustus: Yes, I have got a son callled Tiberio and a daughter called Julia la Mayor.

Interviewer: When were you a consul?

Augustus: I was a consul from the year 43 a. C.

Interviewer: What happened in the Actium Nave Battle?

Augustus: I won the battle and I defeated Marco Antonio.

Interviewer: How is your government characterized?

Augustus: My government is characterized of a series of victories at the outside of Rome.

Interviewer: Who is your uncle?

Augustus: My uncle is Julius Caesar and he adopted me and this is why I got the throne.

Interviewer: Did you visit Hispania?

Augustus: Yes, I visited three times Hispania.

Interviewer: Did you visit Carthago Nova?

Augustus: Yes, I visited one time Carthago Nova to make political things.

Interviewer: How did they kill your father Julius Caesar?

Augustus: My father was stabbed by some senators and my brother Bruto. He recived more than 10 stabs sohe died bleeding.

Interviewer: How did you kill the senators that killed your father?

Augustus: It was a hard work but finally I killed all of them.

Interviewer: Did you also kill your brother Bruto.

Augustus: Yes, I did.

Interviewer: Why did they kill your father?

Augustus: They killed my father because the senators weren´t argree with the decisions 
that took my father, because he was very 

Interviewer: Are you happy now?

Agustus: Yes, I´m very happy because I am the emperor of Rome.

Interviewer: Thank´s you very much!!!!

Augustus: Your welcome!!

Interviewer: Bye!!!

Augustus: Bye!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. very good presentation , i like a lot -Hugo-

  2. It is very good, what happens is that when there is a phrase behind another the letters come together. You understand?

