martes, 21 de marzo de 2017



Alea jacta est: Luck is cast. Sentence assigned to Julio César (100-44de C.): when a decision is made after long deliberation. It is used as a non-return path indicator.
* I studied a lot, alea jacta est.

A posteriori: After. So that comes later. Ascend from effect to cause.
* He presented the work a posteriori.

A priori: Before. For the above. Descend from cause to effect.
* A priori we play tomorrow.

Carpe diem: Seize the day.
* He gave me good advice, carpe diem and be happy.

Cogito, ergo sum: I think, therefore I am. Used by René Descartes (1596-1650), mathematician, philosopher and French scientist.
* Cogito ergo sum is a thought of the philosopher Descartes.

Curriculum vitae: Sheet of life.
* I have delivered my curriculum viatae in that company.

Own motu: Own initiative.
* Juan, motu proprio started to do the work.

Ex profeso: By the way, with certain intention.
* The teacher came to class to give us the photocopies.

Habeas corpus: Right of every citizen, arrested or imprisoned, to appear immediately and publicly before a judge or court.
* The detainee yesterday requested the habeas corpus.

Homo homini lupus est: Man is a wolf for man. Sentence awarded to Tito Plauto (254-184 BC), Latin comediógrafo.
* There is a lot of war in the world, homo homini lupus est.

Idem: It means the same thing or the same thing.
* She answered me ditto everything I said.

Memorandum: Textually, to be kept in the memory. By extension, written note, text in which something is left.
* I have to make the memorandum of the month before I go home.

Mens sana in corpone sano: Healthy mind in healthy body (Max Juvend Roman satirical poet of the twentieth century).
* I love doing sports, my motto is mens sana in corpore sano.

Modus operandi: Usual method of acting.
* That killer has the same modus operandi as the other.

Per capita: Per head.
* In that exercise we have to calculate per capita income.

Persona non grata: Person not grata.
* I am not persona non grata anywhere.

Quid pro quo: One thing for another equivalent. You give me, I give you.
* I help you with math and you with French, quid pro cuo.

Quorum: Number needed to meet in collegiate bodies.
* The vote is invalid because there was no quorum.

Summum: The highest, highest, highest, that has no superior.
* The summun of a student is to get everything outstanding.

Superavit: Higher income than expenses.
* This company has had a large surplus.

Ultimatum: Final and definitive resolution.
* I give you an ultimatum, or change or step from you.

Versus: Opponent, against whom is disputed.
* Tonight's bout is John Cena versus Randy Orton.

Vox populi: The voice of the people, public opinion.
* That news is not secret, it was vox populi.

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