martes, 21 de marzo de 2017



Alea jacta est: Luck is cast. Sentence assigned to Julio César (100-44de C.): when a decision is made after long deliberation. It is used as a non-return path indicator.
* I studied a lot, alea jacta est.

A posteriori: After. So that comes later. Ascend from effect to cause.
* He presented the work a posteriori.

A priori: Before. For the above. Descend from cause to effect.
* A priori we play tomorrow.

Carpe diem: Seize the day.
* He gave me good advice, carpe diem and be happy.

Cogito, ergo sum: I think, therefore I am. Used by René Descartes (1596-1650), mathematician, philosopher and French scientist.
* Cogito ergo sum is a thought of the philosopher Descartes.

Curriculum vitae: Sheet of life.
* I have delivered my curriculum viatae in that company.

Own motu: Own initiative.
* Juan, motu proprio started to do the work.

Ex profeso: By the way, with certain intention.
* The teacher came to class to give us the photocopies.

Habeas corpus: Right of every citizen, arrested or imprisoned, to appear immediately and publicly before a judge or court.
* The detainee yesterday requested the habeas corpus.

Homo homini lupus est: Man is a wolf for man. Sentence awarded to Tito Plauto (254-184 BC), Latin comediógrafo.
* There is a lot of war in the world, homo homini lupus est.

Idem: It means the same thing or the same thing.
* She answered me ditto everything I said.

Memorandum: Textually, to be kept in the memory. By extension, written note, text in which something is left.
* I have to make the memorandum of the month before I go home.

Mens sana in corpone sano: Healthy mind in healthy body (Max Juvend Roman satirical poet of the twentieth century).
* I love doing sports, my motto is mens sana in corpore sano.

Modus operandi: Usual method of acting.
* That killer has the same modus operandi as the other.

Per capita: Per head.
* In that exercise we have to calculate per capita income.

Persona non grata: Person not grata.
* I am not persona non grata anywhere.

Quid pro quo: One thing for another equivalent. You give me, I give you.
* I help you with math and you with French, quid pro cuo.

Quorum: Number needed to meet in collegiate bodies.
* The vote is invalid because there was no quorum.

Summum: The highest, highest, highest, that has no superior.
* The summun of a student is to get everything outstanding.

Superavit: Higher income than expenses.
* This company has had a large surplus.

Ultimatum: Final and definitive resolution.
* I give you an ultimatum, or change or step from you.

Versus: Opponent, against whom is disputed.
* Tonight's bout is John Cena versus Randy Orton.

Vox populi: The voice of the people, public opinion.
* That news is not secret, it was vox populi.


This is the map of the conquest of Europe
By Lidia and Lucia


This is the map of Carthago Nova
By Lucia and Lidia

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


Interviewer: Hello!!!

Augustus: Hello!!!

Interviewer: What´s your name?

Augustus: My name is Augustus.

Interviewer: What does your name mean?

Augustus: My name means chosen by gods.

Interviewer: Are you an important person in the Ancient Rome?

Augustus: Yes, of course!!!! I´m the first emperor of Rome.

Interviewer: How long have you ruled Rome?

Augustus: I have ruled Rome from the 
27 a. C. to the 14 d. C. My reign is one of the 
longest of the history.

Interviewer: What are your parent´s names?

Augustus: My father´s name is Cayo Octavio Turino and my mother´s name is Acia.

Interviewer: What is the date of your birth?

Augustus: The date of my birth is the 23 of September, 63 a. C.

Interviewer: Where do you born?

Augustus: I borned in Rome, Italy.

Interviewer: What is your predecessor?

Augustus: My predeccesor is Julio Caesar.

Interviewer: What is your succesor?

Augustus: My sucessor is Tiberio.

Interviewer: Who are your wifes?

Augustus: My wifes are Clodia Pulcra, Escribonia, Livia Drusila.

Interviewer: Have you got any sons?

Augustus: Yes, I have got a son callled Tiberio and a daughter called Julia la Mayor.

Interviewer: When were you a consul?

Augustus: I was a consul from the year 43 a. C.

Interviewer: What happened in the Actium Nave Battle?

Augustus: I won the battle and I defeated Marco Antonio.

Interviewer: How is your government characterized?

Augustus: My government is characterized of a series of victories at the outside of Rome.

Interviewer: Who is your uncle?

Augustus: My uncle is Julius Caesar and he adopted me and this is why I got the throne.

Interviewer: Did you visit Hispania?

Augustus: Yes, I visited three times Hispania.

Interviewer: Did you visit Carthago Nova?

Augustus: Yes, I visited one time Carthago Nova to make political things.

Interviewer: How did they kill your father Julius Caesar?

Augustus: My father was stabbed by some senators and my brother Bruto. He recived more than 10 stabs sohe died bleeding.

Interviewer: How did you kill the senators that killed your father?

Augustus: It was a hard work but finally I killed all of them.

Interviewer: Did you also kill your brother Bruto.

Augustus: Yes, I did.

Interviewer: Why did they kill your father?

Augustus: They killed my father because the senators weren´t argree with the decisions 
that took my father, because he was very 

Interviewer: Are you happy now?

Agustus: Yes, I´m very happy because I am the emperor of Rome.

Interviewer: Thank´s you very much!!!!

Augustus: Your welcome!!

Interviewer: Bye!!!

Augustus: Bye!!!

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017


In Cartagena there are few arabs things. One of them is "The Arab Castle"

The Arab Castle or The Castle of the Moors: 
The castle was build in the XVIII century, in the place where today there is a neighborhood called: Santa Lucía.
During a war called Spanish Succession was use for felipe artelly for finish with the resistance of the Conception Castle.
The building was project by the ingenier called Juan Martín Cermeño.
The castle rises to an altitud of 56 meters above sea level.
Resultado de imagen de castillo arabe en cartagena españa

By Lucía.

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017



Physical appearance: He is on fire.
Power: He controls the fire.
He was born from a little call of Vulcan forge, but when he grew up, he was locked up for his great power, because he could destroy the Earth.
After a few years he was able to free himself and the humans asked for help to Jupiter to catch him. When Jupiter found out, he was very surprised and he helped them.

At the end, they found him. There was a great battle and Jupiter and the humans won. Jupiter was very hurt, but he could lock him in a prison with ice bars…a prophecy says that one day, when the Vesuvius erupts, a girl in danger shouts his name, and he will wake and he melts the ice bars and…he will be free.