miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Geografic Coordinates

In this politic map of Spain you can see  the meridians and parallels that correspond of this follow cities:
How you know, parallels are the horizontal lines, and meridians are the vertical lines.
by Daniel

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


This is a politic map of Spain. I have put the meridians and parallels of some cities in different colours.
Red - Barcelona
Blue - Madrid
Orange - Sevilla
Green - A Coruña
White - Palma de Mallorca
The horizontal lines represent the parallels and the vertical lines represent the meridians.

By: Alba 

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017


1. Location of El Batel: 
Latitude: 37.59N
Longitude: 0.97W
In this image we can see The Batel of Cartagena and its coordinates.

In this image we can see The Batel inside.
It's very beautiful and modern.

2. Political map of Spain:

In this map we can see the provinces and the autonomous communities of Spain that are represented in different colours.

3. Parallels and meridians:

Barcelona: 41,38N   2,17E
Madrid: 40,41 N   3,70W
Seville: 37,38N    5,98W
A Coruña: 43,36N   8,41W
Palma de Mallorca: 39,56N  2,65E

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


Imagen relacionadaSOY PEDRO SOTO CARRASCO 1ºD

a)Barcelona=                             c)Sevilla=                         e)Palma de Mallorca=

meridiano=2º n                            meridiano=6ºS                   meridiano=3ºN
paralelo=42ºe                               paralelo=38ºW                  paralelo=40ºE

b)Madrid=                                d)A coruña=

meridiano=4ºN                          meridiano=8ºN
paralelo=40ºW                           paralelo=45ºW

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Here is a picture of the Auditory and Palace of congresses Batel. It´s located in the Harbour of Cartagena. I also put the coordinates of this place. I like this building because it´s very nice and big.

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017


   -Here is my picture of the Harbour of Cartagena, next to the harbour it is the Auditory and the arqua    and the latitude and the longitud is down in the image.

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017



Alea jacta est: Luck is cast. Sentence assigned to Julio César (100-44de C.): when a decision is made after long deliberation. It is used as a non-return path indicator.
* I studied a lot, alea jacta est.

A posteriori: After. So that comes later. Ascend from effect to cause.
* He presented the work a posteriori.

A priori: Before. For the above. Descend from cause to effect.
* A priori we play tomorrow.

Carpe diem: Seize the day.
* He gave me good advice, carpe diem and be happy.

Cogito, ergo sum: I think, therefore I am. Used by René Descartes (1596-1650), mathematician, philosopher and French scientist.
* Cogito ergo sum is a thought of the philosopher Descartes.

Curriculum vitae: Sheet of life.
* I have delivered my curriculum viatae in that company.

Own motu: Own initiative.
* Juan, motu proprio started to do the work.

Ex profeso: By the way, with certain intention.
* The teacher came to class to give us the photocopies.

Habeas corpus: Right of every citizen, arrested or imprisoned, to appear immediately and publicly before a judge or court.
* The detainee yesterday requested the habeas corpus.

Homo homini lupus est: Man is a wolf for man. Sentence awarded to Tito Plauto (254-184 BC), Latin comediógrafo.
* There is a lot of war in the world, homo homini lupus est.

Idem: It means the same thing or the same thing.
* She answered me ditto everything I said.

Memorandum: Textually, to be kept in the memory. By extension, written note, text in which something is left.
* I have to make the memorandum of the month before I go home.

Mens sana in corpone sano: Healthy mind in healthy body (Max Juvend Roman satirical poet of the twentieth century).
* I love doing sports, my motto is mens sana in corpore sano.

Modus operandi: Usual method of acting.
* That killer has the same modus operandi as the other.

Per capita: Per head.
* In that exercise we have to calculate per capita income.

Persona non grata: Person not grata.
* I am not persona non grata anywhere.

Quid pro quo: One thing for another equivalent. You give me, I give you.
* I help you with math and you with French, quid pro cuo.

Quorum: Number needed to meet in collegiate bodies.
* The vote is invalid because there was no quorum.

Summum: The highest, highest, highest, that has no superior.
* The summun of a student is to get everything outstanding.

Superavit: Higher income than expenses.
* This company has had a large surplus.

Ultimatum: Final and definitive resolution.
* I give you an ultimatum, or change or step from you.

Versus: Opponent, against whom is disputed.
* Tonight's bout is John Cena versus Randy Orton.

Vox populi: The voice of the people, public opinion.
* That news is not secret, it was vox populi.